Já a fiz em muitas variações, de chale e até de cabelo. A versão original é um cinza bem desgrenhado, de propósito mesmo, mas teve um pedido especial com cabelos vermelhos que também adorei.
A vassoura fiz a ultima com sisal e ficou tão boa que vou fazê-las também para vender separado como decoração de parede e porta. Como um amuleto contra mau olhado.
Beeeeem???!!! Oque esperavam, vindo de uma bruxa??!!!.... :-)
The witch Kecca isn't new. I created her a few years ago for a special order. It was for a witch's doll house of a pediatrician. Actually, I think it was more for him to play than for the children .... :-)
I made her already in many variations, the shawl and even hair. The original version is a gray and shaggy, with purpose, but had a special request with red hair that I loved either.
The broom I did the last one with sisal and was so good that I will do it also to sell separately as wall/door decoration. As an amulet against the evil eye, maybe
Whaaaatttt??!! What did you expect, coming from a witch?!! .... :-)